Predictive & Preventative Maintenance
Let’s solve your problems, before they’re problems.
All rotating equipment provide warnings prior to failure. Our routine and on-demand programs identify these warnings and anticipate problems before they happen. This proactive approach helps prevent expensive unplanned downtime and our maintenance programs extend the life of your operating equipment to save you money.
Vibration Analysis:
- Route-based periodic monitoring
- Single facility or multi-location contracts
- Wireless remote monitoring
- Responsive troubleshooting
- Training
Electrical Performance:
- Offline and Online PdMA Motor Circuit Testing
- Motor testing
- Infrared thermography
- Troubleshooting motors and drives
Routine Maintenance:
- Brush inspection, replacement, and commutator condition programs
- Cryogenic cleaning, Dry Ice Blasting
- Bearing lubrication programs
- Oil analysis
- In-place dynamic balancing
- Laser alignment

Every day, maintenance professionals across the world face the challenge to maintain maximum machine uptime while reducing costly downtime – a challenge that is difficult to accomplish. Predictive maintenance programs can accomplish this goal with a minimum investment requirement. Predictive maintenance services help determine the condition of equipment while in service to plan when maintenance should be performed. This approach offers savings over routine maintenance since tasks can be performed when needed. The main value of predictive maintenance is to allow the convenience of scheduling corrective maintenance ahead of time. Additionally, this allows one to prevent unexpected equipment failures. Benefits may include:
- Increased Equipment Longevity
- Increased Plant Safety
- Optimized Spare Parts Handling
- Lower Maintenance Costs
- Reduced Machinery Downtime
- Increased Overall Production